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The main role of the Governing Body is to support the Headteacher and staff to reach targets as identified in the School Development Plan and the School Evaluation Form. These two documents highlight areas for development and strengths of the school. They help us to plan how to move towards excellence in all areas of school life.

Our legal duties include:-

The Governors meet at least once a term – their next meetings are on Thursday 29th September 2023, Thursday 30th November 2023, Thursday 1st February 2024, Thursday 14th March 2024,  Thursday 16th May 2024 and Thursday 11th July 2024.

There are several categories of Governor, appointed by different groups that have an interest in the school.  All Governors have equal voting rights.

Name Governor Type Role
Tiffany Doughty Davis Staff/Headteacher Headteacher
Katherine Armstrong Parent Governor Chair Governor
Julia Gadd Director Appointed Governor SEND Governor
Yvonne Walker Director Appointed Governor Wellbeing Governor
Bill Langford Director Appointed Governor Safeguarding Governor
Jen Chadbourne Staff Governor Staff Governor
Anna Makas Parent Governor Vice Chair/H&S Governor
Sam Jackson Ex Chair of Governors Historical leaver as at 21/07/23
Andy Watkins Ex Director Appointed Governor Historical leaver as at 21/07/23

All Safeguarding Staff including the Chair of Governors (Mrs Katherine Armstrong) and the Clerk to Governors (Mrs Sarah Masters) can be contacted by letter to Huish Episcopi Primary School, North Street, Langport, Somerset TA10 9RW or by telephone on  01458 250673 or by email

From 1 February 2021, Huish Episcopi Primary School became part of the Preston Primary Academy Trust (PPAT), a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales (company number 8727883). PPAT can be contacted at: The Toose, Yeovil, Somerset BA21 3SN, Tel: 01935 676350 or email:

For more information on governance across the Academy please also see the Preston Primary Academy Trust (PPAT) website ( ).  On this website you will also find a copy of the Trust’s Annual Report and Accounts along with other statutory documents.  The Chair of Trustees can be contacted by emailing


Governance Structure

HEPS Governor Structure Sept 2024

Register of Business or Pecuniary Interests 2023-2024

Name Position Term of Office Business or Pecuniary Interests including governance roles in other Educational Institutions and personal relationship interests Position of Responsibility HEPS LGB Committee from 01/09/2022 % Attendance at HEPS LGB Meetings for the last Academic Year Appointed By
Tiffany Doughty Davis HEPS Primary LGB
(Head Teacher)
01/01/18 Head Teacher at HEPS Head Teacher
Joint GDPR Governor
Yes 100 Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher/principal
Julia Gadd HEPS Primary LGB
(Director Appointed)
01/02/21 to 31/01/ HEPC Councillor
Annie Tite Trustee Chairman
SEN Governor
Yes 100 PPAT
Yvonne Walker HEPS Primary LGB
(Director Appointed)
01/07/21 to 30/06/25 Breakfast Club Casual Employee HEPS Volunteer at HEPS
Huish Episcopi PCC Secretary
Langport History Society Trustee
Wellbeing Governor Yes 100 PPAT
Jenny Chadbourne HEPS Primary LGB
(Staff Governor)
01/09/21 to 31/08/25 Deputy Head Teacher at HEPS
1 Child at HEPS
Staff Governor Yes 100 Staff Elected
Anna Makas HEPS Primary LGB
(Parent Governor)
14/07/22 to 13/07/26 2 Children at HEPS
Owner of Makastone Building Co.
Vice Chair
Health & Safety Governor
Yes 100 Parent Elected
William Langford HEPS PRIMARY LGB
(Director Appointed)
14/07/23 to 13/07/27 President of Huish & Langport Friendly Society Safeguarding & Child Looked After Governor No PPAT
Katherine Armstrong HEPS Primary LGB
(Parent Governor)
01/09/23 to 31/08/27 Community Advisor for Somerset Joint GDPR Governor No Parent Elected
Governors who have left within the last 12 Months
Andrew Watkins HEPS Primary LGB
(Director Appointed)
01/07/21 to 24/07/23 1 Grandchild at HEPS Joint Wellbeing Governor Yes 100 PPAT
Sam Jackson HEPS Primary LGB
(Parent Governor)
01/02/21 to 24/07/23 2 Children at HEPS Chair HEPS LGB
Health and Safety Governor
Yes 100 Parent Elected