Wraparound Care: Early Birds & Busy Bees
Early Birds
We have a well-attended breakfast club, called Early Birds, which takes place every weekday from 8.00am until 8.50am with the exception of the first day of each half term (six occasions during the year).
All Early Bird staff are directly employed by the school with some members working elsewhere in the school during the day. Early Birds is housed in the Coronation Room near the top gate. Along with a healthy and varied breakfast served at 8.30am, the staff supervise various games and activities during the week and then accompany the children out into the playground at 8.50am. Our staff stay with the youngest children until they line-up ready to go into classes.
Early Birds is very popular so please book and pay for a place on Schoolcomms as early as possible. Cash payments are no longer accepted. Please fill in the registration form and hand to a member of Early Bird staff when your child/children first attend Early Birds.
Please inform us of any food allergies your child may have so we can plan in advance for catering purposes.
To secure a place, payment will be required in advance made on Schoolcomms with the following charges per hour, or part session:
- Pupil Premium children £2.00 per session, per child.
- Non Pupil Premium children £3.50 per session, per child.
- Sibling discounts: 1st child £3.50; 2nd child £3.00; 3rd child £2.50; 4th child £2.00.
Please note that the car park between the School Field and top gate is for staff only at all times. Vehicles using the car park to park, drop-off, or collect children, not belonging to staff, risk places being withdrawn for extended school care and clubs. Thank you for your understanding.
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Busy Bees
We provide after school provision every weekday from 3.30pm to 5.30pm with the exception of the last day of each half term (six occasions during the year). All Busy Bee staff are directly employed by the school with some members working elsewhere in the school during the day. Busy Bees is an activity club and also provides resources and supervision for children to complete daily reading and homework if they choose. Children of all ages from our school are welcome. Busy Bees is based in the Coronation Room and School Hall although all school facilities are available and used by the club.
Please inform us of any food allergies your child may have so we can plan in advance for catering purposes.
To secure a place, payment will be required in advance made on Schoolcomms with the following charges per hour, or part session:
- Pupil Premium children £2.00 per session, per child.
- Non Pupil Premium children £3.50 per session, per child.
- Sibling discounts: 1st child £3.50; 2nd child £3.00; 3rd child £2.50; 4th child £2.00.
If your child attends Busy Bees following participation in an After School Club finishing at 4.30pm, they will be taken to Busy Bees and registered by a member of staff.
Upon collection, parents or carers will be asked to sign the child or children out with them. Children must be collected from the top gate by ringing the labelled ‘Busy Bees’ bell. We ask that children are collected no later than 5.30pm. Children will only be released to adults nominated on a completed registration form.
Spaces for Busy Bees should be booked and paid for on Schoolcomms. Cash payments are no longer accepted. A registration form should be completed and handed to Mrs Newham when your child/children attend for the first time.
Please note that the car park between the School Field and top gate is for staff only at all times. Vehicles using the car park to park, drop-off, or collect children, not belonging to staff, risk places being withdrawn for extended school care and clubs. Thank you for your understanding.’
If you are booking for that afternoon, we would ask that you also contact the School Office to let us know. Thank you.
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