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Special Educational Needs & Disability

All staff are committed to providing the best learning opportunities for all children

We are an inclusive school, working together with parents and carers and a wide range of outside agencies and professionals. This enables us to provide individualised provision to best meet additional educational, social and emotional need for our pupils.

Who do I see if I am worried?

  1. Your child’s Teacher is your first point of contact. You can arrange to speak to the Teacher after school, usually by appointment.
  2. You can also arrange to speak to the school’s SENCO, Mrs Claire Monk.  Please call the School Office on 01458 250673 or email
  3. Make an appointment with the Headteacher through the School Office .

Who might work with my child?

Huish Episcopi Primary School has an excellent team of Teachers, Teaching Assistants and Higher Level Teaching Assistants that have a wealth of knowledge and experience.

It may be necessary to involve outside professionals to support the school in planning appropriate provision for your child. You will be included in the process of referring to these services. These could include:

Further Information

For more information, you can download the following documents which detail our approach, plans and policies for catering to special educational needs.

Somerset’s SEND Local Offer

Somerset has a dedicated website to help find information on the services available to children and young people up to 25 years with special educational needs (SEND) and how to access them.  Please see the following link for more details:

Further Support

You are able to access parental support from Victoria Gould our PFSA (Parent Family Support Advisor). Please speak to Mrs Doughty Davis or Mrs Monk about referrals .  Victoria also holds drop-in sessions in school throughout the year; dates of these sessions are detailed on the school newsletter.


Somerset SENDIAS provides information, advice and support about special educational needs and disability (SEND) for parents, carers, children and young people (up to the age of 25).  The service is free, confidential and impartial.  Please see the following link for more details:


Phone: 01823 355578 (voicemail available 24/7)