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Diary Dates

Summer Term 2024:

Term Dates 2023-2024
For Term Dates for the next academic year (2024-2025) including INSET days, please see page under the Parents Tab.

Dates for your diary
We will put dates in the newsletter at the beginning and end of each term.  In the meantime, please click on the pink link on this newsletter on page 1 which will take you to this page on the website.  All dates and events are subject to change although as always, we aim to minimise this wherever possible.  Bold type means there has been an amendment since first published.




Assemblies with parents (top gate 14:55 please) Clubs this week? Events and information including Friday festivities and fundraising events
06/01/2025 X Fri: Bake sale.  Saltmoor to bring in cakes please.

Fri: YR-6 House point mufti (green team).

Fri: YR-6 (if they read) holiday reading treat.

13/01/2025 Fri: Kingsmoor Wed: Closing date for applications for Reception children 2025.

Fri 16:30-17:00: KS1 Jim-jam Storynory session in the Library.

Fri 16:35-17:00: Y6 SATs meeting for parents.

20/01/2025 Thu: Saltmoor Fri: Bake sale.  Kingsmoor to bring in cakes please.
27/01/2025 Fri: Portmoor Fri 15:30: Interhouse cross country.
03/02/2025 X
10/02/2025 Tue: Safer Internet Day.

Thu: Bake sale.  Cocklemoor to bring in cakes please.

Fri: INSET day.  No children in school please.

17/02/2025 Half term
24/02/2025 Fri: Perrymoor Fri: House point mufti.

Fri: YR-6 (if they read) holiday reading treat.

Fri: Outcomes for secondary school places.

Fri: Bake sale.  Haymoor to bring in cakes please.

03/03/2025 Fri: Leazemoor

(not on Tuesday)

Tue: no after school clubs this day due to staff training.

Thu: World Book Day.  The theme for costumes is ‘embrace a different country/character’.

Fri: Bake sale.  Leazemoor to bring in cakes please.

Fri 16:30-17:30: KS2 Bingo.

10/03/2025 Fri: Haymoor Fri: Red Nose Day mufti, please bring in £1

Fri: Bake sale.  Perrymoor to bring in cakes please.

17/03/2025 Fri: Cocklemoor

(not on Wed & Thurs)

All week: YR-6 Easter food collection

Wed & Thu: Parents evenings

Fri: Bake sale.  Portmoor to bring in cakes please.

24/03/2025 X Mon, 09:00: Interhouse mini cake decorating competition info sent home.
31/03/2025 X Mon: Mini cake decorating day.  Bring cakes in and take them home on this day.  Winners announced in assembly.

Mon: Vocabulary mats sent home.

Wed: ILPs sent home (SEND).

Fri: Easter egg hunt (during the day).

07/04/2025 Holiday